داستان آبیدیک

counterfeit behavior


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: رفتار جعلی

Other dissonance reduction methods can be done by the following series of psychological events54: Counterfeit behavior actor experiences self-signaling. Thus, it is obvious that regardless whatever ethical dissonance reduction one takes, the counterfeit behavior will lead to mental corruption (counterfeit self). Therefore, the effect of counterfeit behavior does not only refer to oneself (to be more unethical, to be more corrupt) but also refers socially in a form of accusing or even sacrificing others (victimization). The second argument, it was often difficult to manipulate counterfeit behavior. Complementing the measure, qualitatively, manipulation check of counterfeit self could be acquired by asking whether those who exhibited counterfeit behavior narrate that they were not being themselves.

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